Friday, November 7, 2008

Well it seems as though I have a tickle in my throat. I woke up with it yesterday. Wednesday night at work I was calling Bingo without a microphone, so I think that might have made it worse. I have to work tomorrow, so I was off today, that was lovely. I tried to relax so I would not get more sick, I did that buy lying on the couch and watching 4 consecutive episodes of the OC.

Jon and I went out to dinner tonight, to a new place. (well new to us) its called the Mangolian Grill. You get to pick all your vegetables, meat, and sauce, and then they make you a stir fry. Just like our beloved Zyng restaurant in Montreal, but 3x the price. When we were leaving they gave us a 2 for 1 movie coupon, so that was quite nice. We shared this ginormous drink in a huge martini glass. It was green apple alcohol and 7up, quite good. The picture is from jons cell phone so its not too clear.

In 2 weeks, we are going to see Madonna in Detroit, really looking forward to it!


jonsol said...

cool photo!
beautiful girl!

The restaurant was good, but over priced!

Sam said...

hi love!
Restaurant sounds really good.
I agree with Jon- beautiful girl.
miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!