Sunday, November 30, 2008

Here it is!

P.S. Oh wow! My blog buddy Ash just mentioned me on this blog recognition think going around. How cool! I shall mention that I enjoy reading hers too because she takes very nice photos! A new blog that I now check EVERY day, is cake wrecks.

My very own Chanukah Tree! I love it! I was so excited to find it on sale at Zellers, and find blue and silver decorations. If you look closely you will see some chanukah garland on it. The one ornament on it is a cruise ship, that we bought last year on our cruise. Normally it is on display with our other cruise ship.
These are all our Chanukah presents that my mom sent me! Before I knew I would actually see her in Florida on Chanukah.
Here is our new friend, that I won in a gift exchange last week at my work Christmas party. As you can see, he already made friends with Mimi and Frog. We named him Rollo. When you touch his hand he sings and dances, very cute.
And finally, this is my Christmas tree at work, I decorated it all by myself. Its in my area, so it was my job. Its not as nice as the others, because I used whatever I could find that was left over.
Yesterday Jon came to see my work because we were having a bazaar.
Here is a picture from noemis wedding in july.


Unknown said...

Hi love! Gorgeous tree! Are we going to have a gift exchange this year? Samara will do the draw and eamil everyone individually who we have... or should we go to the Bialik cafeteria to do the draw?

JJ Sobey said...

Jess! I love your tree - what a fun idea!

Claude said...

I love that you have a Chanukah tree!

Ash said...

very cute tree!! love the stuffed animal friends too.